Family Newsletter Week of 1/30/2025

Dear Brackett Families,

Tomorrow is the last day of January! Whew! This week marked the halfway point for the school year, and we are quickly approaching the 100th Day of School! WOW!

During the past month, our students and teachers have been working so hard. It’s exciting to see the incredible gains that have been made as well as to think about the next 90 school days and what more can be accomplished. 

In support of our school improvement plan, as a school, we are focusing on how to increase academic discourse within our classrooms. Our faculty recently read two articles (Talk Science and Evidence-Based Instructional Practices) about the importance of academic discourse. Students at all grade levels are becoming experts at using several EL protocols – such as Back-to-Back-Face-to-Face, Turn & Talk Partners, Role Play, and Science Talks – as well as non-verbal signals that accompany conversation cues, such as expand or clarify. These strategies promote discussion between students that empowers them to be active learners.

On a completely separate, but also important note… please remember to label all of your child’s winter gear. Our lost and found is filling up quickly!

Dr. Vice

New Information Overview

  • Fifth Grade Communication
  • Volunteer Needs
  • Calendar Reminders 

Here is the January PTO Newsletter and Health Office Happenings.

Fifth Grade Communication

Click Here for a newsletter from the fifth grade committee. 

Volunteer Needs

We're looking for a few people to help out with the following:


  • Brackett Bank Lead - coordinate student deposits and volunteers
  • Read-a-thon - help out with planning before and/or events during Read-a-thon (02/24-03/07)


For more information about any of these opportunities or if you'd like to learn how to get involved in other ways, email [email protected]

Calendar Reminders

Jan 31AHS Latino Student Union Movie Night

Feb 3-7 – Hour of Code

Feb 7 – PTO Glow Dance

Feb 17-21 – No School (February Break)


All previous family communication can be accessed in the News and Announcements on the district website.