Family Newsletter Week of 9/5/2024

Dear Brackett Families,

Happy Day 2! These first two days of school have been fabulous! It is SO wonderful to have everyone back in the buildings, learning new routines and laughing with new and old friends. All of our kindergarteners will be at school tomorrow as well! YAY!


One huge change has been shifting recess across the street. Our students have been carefully crossing, aided by the new orange crossing flags and guiding adults. It is very sunny in the park, so consider the addition of sunscreen application to your morning routine. Thank you to the PTO for supporting this change with recess materials, wagons, and bins! 


Thank you to everyone for your calm and understanding as we have much less space for arrival and dismissal. As a reminder, we begin walking into the building at 7:55am. Our first graders go first through the main doors, followed by second and third grades. Fourth and fifth graders go in the cafeteria doors. Arriving at 7:50 may help your child get settled in the line.



Dr. Vice

New Information Overview

  • Room Reps Needed!
  • Breakfast Club
  • Grade 4&5 Sexual Health Curriculum
  • Calendar Reminders


All previous family communication can be accessed in the News and Announcements on the district website. 

Volunteer to be a Room Rep for your child's teacher!

A Room Representative supports their student’s classroom teacher with their specific needs and serves as a point person for class families.  

For more information check out the PTO website here 

To sign up to be a Room Rep, click here.

Breakfast Club

Included in Dr. Homan’s message prior to the first day of school was information about APS Before School Breakfast ClubWe are asking families at ALL K-12 Schools who plan to access this program 3 days a week or more to SIGN THEIR CHILD UP HERE. This is a general and non-binding sign-up to give us an idea of how many students will attend at each school. 

Grades 4 & 5 Sexual Health Curriculum

Last week the sexual health parent notification letter was sent to all Grade 4-9 families. This includes links to the curricular descriptions. If you wish to opt out your child from the sexual health lessons this year, please complete this Google Form.

Calendar Reminders

Please add the Brackett Calendar to your personal calendar system. You can find a link to this on our district website event page.


Sep 26 – Brackett Back to School Night (6-8pm)

Sep 28 – PTO Sponsored Fall Fest

Sep 30 – Brackett Vaccine Clinic (3-6pm)

Oct 3 –No School for Rosh Hashanah

Oct 4 – Picture Day

Oct 14 – No School for Indigenous People’s Day