Opening Day Communication Part 2

Dear Brackett Families,

Happy End-of-Summer! We are so excited to have your children back at Brackett next week. With the playground under construction, the space for arrival and dismissal will be very busy the first few days. I am asking for your grace and understanding as we work to safely enter and exit students from the building. For the first week, please give a few extra minutes to navigate the area and leave your furry friends at home. 

In this email:

  • Arrival and dismissal
  • Visitor passes
  • From PE
  • From the Nurse
  • Calendar Links

  1. Brackett Arrival & Dismissal Plans

Arrival –– For the first week, classes will line up at designated spaces (picture linked here) in the school yard and teachers will walk them into the building. Please prepare to have your child in line by 7:55 am to walk into the building. All classes will have traffic cones with the teacher’s name on them. Safety patrol will begin leading in classes in week 2.

Kindergarten: Kindergarteners will line up outside their classrooms at the doors on Fayette Street. 

Grade 1: Line up nearest the school along the building by the flagpole.

Grade 2: Line up on the brick patio.

Grade 3: Line up between the benches and the tree.

Grade 4: In the lane headed to the cafeteria.

Grade 5: By the cafeteria door.

Dismissal –– Students will dismiss through the same door that they arrive through. Parents can meet classes at the line-up spots.

Send the orange dismissal form from the mailing with your child on the first day. After-school programs will communicate with us about enrollment, but information from families is extremely valuable. 


Morning arrival/drop-off is an important time to practice safe routines and to follow the laws in our community. Crosswalks are clearly marked and should be used when crossing Eastern Ave, especially from 7:45 am to 8:00 am. We encourage families to walk, scooter, or ride bikes (bike racks are in back of Brackett) whenever possible to alleviate the vehicular traffic around school. 

Parking is located along Eastern Avenue in both directions and throughout the neighborhood. Please do not park around the construction access point on Eastern avenue. This will be marked off with cones and is necessary for large vehicles entering and exiting.

There is NO parking, stopping, or pausing for individual drop off directly in front of the school on the school-side of Eastern Ave. This area is designated for school buses only. 

Reminder – Brackett Elementary is a pet/animal-free campus per district policy. Animals should remain on the surrounding sidewalks during school hours. We have students whose school day can be greatly affected by their morning arrival transition, and animals can unfortunately make a big, not-positive impact. This is especially important because of the constraints on our space during construction.


For security purposes when school is in session, everyone (parent/caregivers and other visitors) MUST check-in at the office and obtain a Visitor’s Pass. 

If you are interested in volunteering at Brackett, please fill out the form found in the front office. As part of this, you will need to present an ID to complete a CORI check.

  • From PE

Check out this message from Mr. Schiavone and Ms. Hill.

  • From the Nurse

Here’s a gentle reminder to log into the SNAP health portal and upload any and all updated medical information. Make sure to give permissions for over the counter medication for the year.


Check out the District Brackett Website for the latest communications and to subscribe to the Brackett School Events Calendar.

Important Dates to note immediately:

Sep 4: First Day of School for Grades 1–5

Sep 4: First Day of School for ½ Kindergarten (Group 1)

Sep 5: First Day of School for ½ Kindergarten (Group 2)

Sep 6: Second Day of School for all Kindergarteners

Sep 26: Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

Oct 3: NO SCHOOL for Rosh Hashanah

Oct 4: Picture Day

See you next week!


Dr. Vice