Family Newsletter Week of 8/22/24

Dear Brackett Families,

Welcome to the first Thursday communication of the 2024-25 School Year! Please look for an email from me every Thursday afternoon. Next week’s email will include arrival information as well as staffing updates.

It was amazing having some of our new-to-Brackett families in the building yesterday. Teachers and paraprofessionals are beginning to stop by, and the building has gone through an incredible deep clean. Thank you to our custodial staff!

We've heard that there's been a delay in the mail. I know that you all are eagerly awaiting the welcome packet letters! Here is a digital copy of the general welcome packet for you to read. This will also be posted on the Brackett website.

In this email:

  • Playground Update
  • Beginning School Info

Playground Update

The fencing is up, construction vehicles are on site, and work is underway! WOW! Please do not enter the construction area. This will impact walking to school for some families, so check out your route. In addition, we will need to keep the Eastern Avenue driveway entrance clear for construction vehicles. 

Beginning School Info

  • The first day of school

The first day for Grades 1–5 is Wednesday, September 4. As a reminder, dismissal is 1pm on the first day of school. After-school programs begin on the first day.

Kindergarten students have been assigned to a first full day on either September 4 or September 5. The second day for all Kindergarteners is Friday, September 6.


The school day begins at 8:00 am and ends at 2:30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Wednesdays, school ends at 1:00 pm for district-wide professional learning time for teachers. Reminder, this will happen on the first day of school. 

The school doors will open at 7:55 am, so that students can quickly move inside to their classrooms. Kindergarten classes enter through their outside doors at 8 am sharp!

Students who arrive after 8am are marked tardy and will need to enter through the front doors and pick up a Cricket Ticket from Mrs. Robinson before going to class. This includes kindergarten students.


All school meals (breakfast and lunch) are served free of charge again this year for all students. 

Healthy snacks should be brought from home each day. Your teacher can give you guidance on this. Please do not send candy or soda and respect any notice further restricting snack items due to food allergies or other state guidelines.

Breakfast is open to everyone and begins at 7:30 AM in the cafeteria. Students who want to participate in our morning breakfast program should enter through the cafeteria doors located on the side of the building near the playground.

  • WHAT to bring and what NOT to bring

School supply lists were included in the email about class placements and in the letters that were mailed home. These are also accessible on the Brackett School website. If you have any questions or need help arranging supplies, please reach out to Mrs. Robinson.

NEW!! Students will not be allowed to use or wear cellular or Wi-Fi devices brought from home while they are at school. (This excludes APS iPads and Chromebooks). Students will be instructed to put these devices in their backpacks in their locker. Please note that this includes smart watches, which is a shift in district policy.


Now is the time to label your child’s belongings including backpacks, coats, lunch boxes, and even shoes. No item is too small!

Happy last days of Summer!


Dr. Vice